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Here is a look at this week's schedule for MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education:

Monday, March 13, 2023
6:00 Diploma Math at Narraguagus

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
4:30-6:00 Learner Resource Time at Narraguagus
5:00 Intro to Dog Grooming at Narraguagus
5:30 Intro to Welding at CWCIT
6:00 Woodworking at Narraguagus
6:00 US History at Narraguagus
**NO VOLLEYBALL this week due to the Harlem Tricksters Basketball Game at Narraguagus at 6:30pm**

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
5:00 Maine Biology with Lab at CWCIT

Thursday, March 16, 2023
5:30 English at Narraguagus
5:30 Advanced Welding at CWCIT

Saturday, March 18, 2023
9:00am-3:00pm ATV Safety at Harrington Elementary School (CLASS IS FULL)

Outstanding Payments: If you still owe for a class, please mail payments to MSAD #37 Adult & Community Education, 1227 US HWY 1, Harrington, ME 04643.

Academic Advising: By appointment- please contact Director Eric Brooks via email at to set this up.

Registration for other classes is still available!
Visit for more information!