May 6, 2021
Following the change in the CDC and state guidelines regarding mask wearing outside, our schools are now allowing students and staff to go outside without masks as long as they ma...

May 3, 2021
RSU/SAD #37 is accepting applications for
the following Fall/Winter coaching positions
at Narraguagus High School:
Varsity Volleyball
JV Volley...

April 21, 2021
Teaching positions:
Jr. High Math (re-advertised)
Secondary Math (re-advertised)
Elementary Special Education Tea...

March 18, 2021
Congratulations to Shelby Dunbar, Gr. 6 student at Milbridge who was the school spelling bee champ, and then went on to win the Washington County Spelling Bee. Great job, Shelby!...

March 17, 2021
To parents of incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten students, if your child will be 4 or 5 by October 15th, and you plan to register them for school in the fall, please contact the appr...

March 16, 2021
March 24 Budget Workshop #1
April 7 Budget Workshop #2
April 14 Budget Workshop #3
April 28 Regular board meeting to include approval of budget and signing of warrants/do...
March 15, 2021
14 de marzo de 2021
Estimados padres y tutores:
Acabamos de darnos cuenta de que tenemos un estudiante en Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School que ha dado positivo para el Coro...
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021 Dear Parents and Guardians: We have just been made aware that we have a student at Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School that has tested positive for Corona Vir...

March 8, 2021
Teaching positions:
Elementary Physical Education
Elementary Special Education (2 positions)
Jr. High Math

January 27, 2021
Our clothing store is open until this January 31. Follow the link to place your order. https://stores.inksoft.com/WS4...

January 11, 2021
R SU 37 Parental Notice Regarding Student Participation in Local and State Assessments
State law requires school districts to use multiple assessment methods to measure ...
December 21, 2020
19 de diciembre de 2020 Estimados estudiantes y comunidad de Narraguagus: Esta carta es para informales que nos acabamos de enterar de que un individuo asociado con la Escuela...
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020 Dear Narraguagus Students & Community, This letter is to inform you that we have just learned that one individual associated with Narraguagus Jr/Sr High Scho...
December 5, 2020
4 de diciembre de 2020 Estimados padres y tutores: Como saben, hoy terminamos la escuela a las 11:00 debido a que recibimos información de que uno de nuestros estudiantes dio po...
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As you know, we dismissed school today at 11:00 due to receiving information that one of our students tested positive f...

November 23, 2020
19 de noviembre de 2020
Queridos padres y guardianes:
Espero que todos se mantengan saludables, estén bien y obtengan y brinden el apoyo que tanto necesitan a medida que ava...

November 19, 2020
November 19, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I hope you are all staying healthy, managing well, and getting and providing much needed support as we move forward day by day...

November 18, 2020
The Merry Moose Paint Party scheduled for November 20 has been rescheduled to December 18 at 6:00 p.m. pending the color coding status for Washington County.

November 9, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 is Veteran's Day. School will not be in session.
October 30, 2020
30 de octubre de 2020
Estimados padres y tutores:
Durante las últimas dos semanas, hemos visto un aumento significativo de casos positivos del virus
COVID-19 en el condad...